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허브 오브 골드 클리어 스킨 60t, Herbs of Gold Clear Skin 60t

허브 오브 골드 클리어 스킨 60t, Herbs of Gold Clear Skin 60t

기본 정보
영문상품명 Herbs of Gold Clear Skin 60t
판매가 36,200원
소비자가 61,500원
제조사 상세설명 참조
브랜드 Herbs
원산지 해외 해외(상세설명 참조)
적립금 360원 (1%)
배송비 7,900원 ~ 9,900원

구매조건에 따라 배송비 차등부과

  • 0원 이상 ~ 100,000원 미만 9,900원
  • 100,000원 이상 ~ 150,000원 미만 8,900원
  • 150,000원 이상 ~ 200,000원 미만 7,900원
택배 택배
사용후기 0
상품문의 0
관련상품수 0
수량 수량증가수량감소
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상품 목록
상품 정보 가격 삭제
  • Herbs of Gold Clear Skin 60t


    Herbs of Gold Clear Skin combines herbs traditionally used for the management of minor skin disorders with nutrients vitamins A, B6 and zinc for the maintenance of healthy skin.


    Contains Burdock, Yellow dock and Echinacea, herbs traditionally used for thy symptomatic relief of mild eczema, mild psoriasis, mild acne and for the management of minor skin conditions.
    Burdock is traditionally used for the symptomatic relief of mild eczema, mild psoriasis, boils, mild acne, mild skin eruptions and for the management of minor skin disorders due to its blood cleansing and purifying action.
    Yellow dock is traditionally used for the management of minor skin disorders due to its purifying action and for the symptomatic relief of mild eczema, mild psoriasis, mild acne and minor skin condition.
    Yellow dock is traditionally used for minor skin disorders associated with constipation or sluggish bowel.
    Echinacea is traditionally used for the symptomatic relief of mild eczema and mild psoriasis and, with Calendula, assists minor wound healing. Echinacea is traditionally used for the management of minor skin disorders due to its blood cleansing and purifying action.
    Vitamin A and zinc act as antioxidants, protecting cells from free radical damage and oxidative stress and are important for the maintenance of a healthy immune system.
    Vitamins A and B6 help maintain the health and integrity of the skin. Vitamin B6 is required for the healthy formation of collagen.
    Zinc is required for normal skin repair and helps maintain healthy skin. Zinc may assist in minor wound healing and the relief of minor skin disorders such as mild acne.
    Clear Skin assists in the maintenance of general wellbeing.

    Ingredients & Excipients

    Each tablet contains:
    Herbal extracts equiv. to dry:
    Arctium lappa (Burdock) root 1.5g
    Echinacea purpurea (Echinacea) whole plant 800mg
    Rumex crispus (Yellow dock) root 600mg
    Calendula officinalis (Marigold) flower 500mg
    and nutrients
    Pyridoxine hydrochloride25mg
    equiv. pyridoxine (vitamin B6) 20.6mg
    Zinc (as amino acid chelate) 12mg
    Vitamin A (as Retinol acetate) 1500IU
    equiv. to 450mcg retinol equivalents
    Does not contain added egg, milk, peanut, soy, tree nut, or animal products, yeast, gluten, lactose, artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. Vegan friendly.

    Dose & Administration

    Take 1 tablet twice daily with food, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.


    Always read the label.
    Follow the directions for use.
    If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.
    If you are pregnant, or considering becoming pregnant, do not take vitamin A supplements without consulting your doctor or pharmacist.
    The recommended daily amount of vitamin A from all sources is 700mcg retinol equivalents for women and 900mcg retinol equivalents for men.
    WARNING - when taken in excess of 3000mcg retinol equivalents, vitamin A can cause birth defects.
    Drink plenty of water.
    Vitamin and mineral supplements should not replace a balanced diet.

    Storage Conditions

    Store below 25°C. Protect from moisture.

    Download Resources

    TGA Listed product with Aust L 215427.

    Download TGA Public Summary for TGA published information including excipients, which are listed under'Other Ingredients'.


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    배송 안내
    • 배송 방법 : 택배
    • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
    • 배송 비용 : 7,900원 ~ 9,900원
    • 배송 기간 : 5일 ~ 14일
    • 배송 안내 : 롯데택배를 통해 국내통관 후, 우체국 등기로 발송됩니다.
    교환/반품 안내

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    하자있는 상품을 받으신 경우(수령 후 30일 이내 접수된 상품에 한함)

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    사용에 의하여 상품의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우

    상품을 받으신 날로부터 30일이 지나신 경우

    교환 및 반품비용

    단순변심에 의한 교환/반품비용은 다음과 같습니다.

    상품이 배대지로 이동된 경우: 9,900원

    상품이 공항으로 이동된 경우: 해외 왕복 배송료  


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