Polskie Ogorki Dill Cucumbers 1.95kg

Cornwell''s Lancashire Relish a milder, fruity Worcestershire sauce.

Ingredients: Vinegar (barley & wheat), water, sugar, apples, dales, brown sugar, salt, golden syrup, spices (wheat), vegetable gum (guar), tamarind, anchovies, colour [caramel (150c)), natural flavour, emulsifier (433).
Contains: Gluten-containing Cereals and Fish.
Allergen: Contains Cereals, Contains Fish, Contains Cereals Containing Gluten
Dietary: No Preservatives
Servings Per Pack: 16.0
Storage Instructions: Store in a cool dry place, out of direct sunlight.
Usage Instructions: Shake well before use.
Size: 500mL