Flavour Deeply Relaxing Tea 15 pack

Finest Quality Tea Deeply RelaxingI love playing with the amazing aromas and flavours of nature; creating teas to please your senses; exploring how plants can help us, if just subtly, manage the stress of our daily lives.Deeply Relaxing is a delicious, gentle infusion.
I've selected herbs traditionally known for their relaxing, calming properties; passionflower, chamomile, lime flower and lavender; to create a blend to enjoy anytime you want to relax...deeply.

Ingredients: Chamomile Flowers, Spearmint, Lime Flowers, Lemongrass, Lemon Myrtle, Lavender, Licorice Root, Passionflower, Blue Cornflowers
Servings Per Pack: 15.0
Storage Instructions: To keep your tea at its very best, store in a cool dry place.
Dimensions: 142 x 76 x 50mm
Preparation Instructions: Place a pyramid in your favourite cup. Pour in heated, not boiling water (approx 85°C). Infuse for 2 minutes and inhale the aromas as you slow down and anticipate that first satisfying sip.