Planet Organic Organic Meadowsweet Loose Leaf Tea 50g


Digestive Tonic & Mild Diuretic
Organic Meadowsweet may be used as a digestive Tonic for colds, respiratory problems, acid indigestion, stomach ulcers, arthritis and rheumatism, headaches, diarrhoea, skin diseases.
May ease pain and help heal stomach problems associated with aspirin use.
May provide anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial benefits.

Direction for Use

Use 1 teaspoon to 1 cup of boiled water. Steep for 5-8 minutes and strain. Develops a slightly bitter taste if left steeping too long, add water or sweeten as desired. Up to 3 cups daily. Half dose for children under 12.


Not suitable for children under 2.
Consult your healthcare practitioner prior to consumption of herbal teas during pregnancy or breastfeeding, if a medical condition is present, whilst taking prescription medication or if surgery is scheduled.