Love Tea Organic Darjeeling Tea Loose Leaf 100g


Fairly sourced from an estate in the Darjeeling region of north east India, this blend is uniquely name'Phoobsering', after its original native supervisor Phoob Tshering. Grown in a region renowned for exceptional tea, the leaves of this blend are harvested in early spring, and yield a light bodied, pale infusion, with a smooth, slightly musky and lingering floral finish.

Ingredients & Excipients

Ingredients:Certified organic darjeeling tea*.*Fair trade ingredients.
Origin:Darjeeling, India.

Dose & Administration

Brewing:Place a heaped teaspoon (2g) of tea per cup (250ml) into a teapot or infuser. Add filtered water at 75°C-85°C and allow to infuse for 3-4 minutes. Strain the tea and serve.