Ausganica 100% Certified Organic Essential Oil Chamomile Roman 2ml

Item expiry date may be less than 12 months. may not be applicable to all locations.


For anyone that is under stress, is going through a period of depression, loneliness, intense fear or is challenged by anxiety or post traumatic shock disorder, Roman Chamomile Essential Oil may help bring a sense of calm. Roman Chamomile is also a suggested Oil for use during times of anger or irritability. If you've ever enjoyed a cup of Chamomile tea, you are already familiar with the aroma and sense of calm that Chamomile offers. the aroma and sedative effect of the undiluted Roman Chamomile Essential Oil, however, is much more fragrant and powerful. Roman Chamomile is thought to be especially helpful in combating insomnia.

100% Certified Organic by ACO

Ingredients & Excipients

Anthemis nobilis

Direction for Use

Massage: Add 5 drops to 10ml carrier oil.
Bath: Add 12-20 drops in full bath.
Vaporise: Add 8-10 drops in bowl of vaporiser.


Do not ingest
Avoid during pregnancy
Keep out of reach of children
Consult with a healthcare professional before use

For in-depth safety information on all Essential oils, click below for the following resources:
Essential Oil safety (2nd Edition) by Robert Tisserand & Rodney Young
The Directory of Essential Oils by Wanda Sellar
The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless