[스노우베리] 소 소프트 클렌져 125ML



피부의 천연 장벽을 지켜주는 부드러운 클렌져입니다.

안티에이징 효과도 있어 아침세안 저녁세안 모든 상황에 적합합니다.

메이크업 지우기에는 무리가있으니 세안 마지막 단계에서 사용해 주세요.

All Snowberry cleansers help to protect the skin's natural barrier function and that's the first essential step in your anti-ageing skin care routine. Soraya says, don't scrimp on your cleanser in the hope that an expensive moisturiser or serum will do all you are looking for with radiant skin. But think of So Soft as the 'little sister' to Snowberry's Gentle Cleanse & Tone. It's not quite as sophisticated but like the Gentle Cleanse & Tone, your skin will love the way this cleanser caresses your skin, day after day without the slightest risk of damaging the epidermal barrier or causing the increasingly common chronic low level inflammation evident for many women. Suitable for all skin types, but most especially for sensitive or acne-prone skin, wet the skin and then massage So Soft over entire face and eye area. Rinse and pat dry.

But remember, So Soft Cleanser is not a make-up remover. If you wear make-up you will still need to use Snowberry's Instant Deep Cleanser in the evening.


섭취 방법 / 주의 사항

아침 저녁으로 가볍게 마사지해주세요.

      보관 방법 

서늘한 곳에 보관개봉후나 여름철에는 냉장보관 하십시오


Unit 8/50 Stonedon Drive
East Tamaki 2013
New Zealand

+64 9 263 7900



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