The Nutrient Bible 9th Edition by Henry Osiecki


Comprehensively expanded and revised with up-to-date research. The Nutrient Bible by Henry Osiecki is a an invaluable text providing extensive profiles of over 100 Vitamins, Amino Acids, Minerals, Enzymes, Contingent Nutrients, Polyphenols, Flavonoids & Toxic metals.

It provides comprehensive & practical information including:

Comprehensive profiles of Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Amino Acids, Flavonoids and Polyphenols
Summary of nutrient modulators of regulatory pathways and molecular targets of carcinogenesis, metastasis and hypertension
The Drug/Nutrient relationship and the effects on one’s nutritional status
Recommended Daily Dosages across age groups
Deficiency causes and symptoms indicating deficiency
Food sources containing Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Polyphenols and Amino Acids
Therapeutic uses for hundreds of illnesses and diseases
The effects of high doses of synergetic nutrients
Overdosage and toxicity