Australian Bush Flower Essences Light Frequency Essence Arctic Essence10ml


The Arctic Essence primarily frees the pure undiluted light potential of the individual. It both brings in and releases pure light energy within the individual, energy which has been held in suspension, waiting to be activated.

The Antarctic Essence is for letting go of things that stop you finding and following your path. It allows you to discover what is essential and necessary in your life. In other words, letting go of what doesn’t matter – suspension in matter.


Positive Outcomes:
Brings in and releases pure light energy within the person.
Activates suspended pure light energy held within an individual, increasing our spiritual awareness.
Balances one's own electro magnetic frequency and harmonises one to the earths changing electromagnetic frequency.
Addresses issues of separation from self, someone or something.
Assists one to see their negative aspects and rectify them.
Can repair and return the soul to a state of innocence, purity and peace.
Shows what you need to come alive, to flow, to be joyous and light.

Dose & Administration

Preparation of Dosage Bottles
Place seven (7) drops of Stock Essence into a 15ml dropper bottle or fourteen (14) drops into a 30ml dropper bottle filled with 1/3 brandy and 2/3 purified water.

Recommended Dosage
Seven (7) drops on rising and retiring for a minimum of two weeks.