Luvin Life Organic Californian White Sage Smudge Stick Mini (approx 12cm) x 2 Pack


Luvin Life's organic white sage is from the coastal mountains of California.
It's organically grown without artificial sprays or fertilisers and 100% pesticide free. The leaves are gathered in an ecological and respectful way.


Smudging may be used to purify the body, aura, pets, homes, offices and healing rooms- in fact any space or item.

Ingredients & Excipients

Organic White Sage (Salvia apiana)

Direction for Use

Light the smudge stick at the tip of the leaves, allow to burn for 5-10 seconds and gently blow on the embers to create smoke.
Slowly move among rooms, gently waving the stick in the air
After use, gently extinguish the smoke in sand or small dish of water. Store in dry place for future use.


Take care while smudging and only use under adult supervision. Extra care should be taken around flammable materials.
Ensure bundle is extinguished completely before leaving unattended.