Dentastix Medium Dog Treat 56 pack

The PEDIGREE dry and wet main meal range has been designed to protect your dog in four ways: to help support a strong immune system, a healthy skin and coat, good digestion and healthy teeth or healthy bones.
As The makers of PEDIGREE brand, everything we do is for The love of dogs.
With over 40 years experience of developing PEDIGREE recipes which are developed with The nutritionists and veterinarians of The Waltham Petcare Science Institute.PEDIGREE DENTASTIX Daily Oral Care chews have a unique X shape, special texture and two active ingredients that when fed daily, are scientifically proven to help reduce The build-up of tartar by up to 80%, clean hard to reach teeth and support gum health.
Given 4 out of 5 dogs over The age of 3 have gum disease, caused by The build-up of plaque and tartar, you can help keep your dogs teeth and gums healthy and strong with a delicious and effective PEDIGREE DENTASTIX Daily Oral Care chew every day.
PEDIGREE DENTASTIX Daily Oral Care chews contain two active ingredients, that bond with The calcium in saliva and slow down The build-up of tartar.
This helps plaque stay softer for longer and makes it easier to remove by chewing PEDIGREE DENTASTIX Daily Oral Care chews.REDUCES tartar build-up by up to 80%: when fed daily.UNIQUE X-SHAPE and SPECIALLY designed ABRASIVE TEXTURE: Cleans hard to reach teeth & supports gum healthACTIVE Ingredients: Sodium Tripolyphosphate & Zinc SulphateNO Added ARTIFICIAL COLOURS or FLAVOURSNO Added SUGAR & LOW in FAT82* CALORIES PER STICK *Based on typical composition.No Added Sugar.Low in Fat.

Ingredients: Cereal; Humectant; Starch; Vegetable Gum; Minerals; Sodium Tripolyphophate; Meat and Meat by-products (Pork); Vitamin E; Preservative; Zinc Sulphate; Flavours.
Contains: chew Pouch
Storage Instructions: Store in a cool and dry place. Store in a cool and dry place.
Size: 56 Sticks