Grain Free Nutrition Puppy Dry Food Growing Pup Chicken With Garden Vegetables 3kg

We understand that what your dog eats affects their health and vitality.
Natures Goodness Grain Free Nutrition offers a Grain Free alternative to help maximise your dog's energy levels in a way that is best suited to their digestion.
The holistic blend of selected natural ingredients in every Natures Goodness Grain Free product has been carefully selected to deliver the health, taste and nutrition that your dog needs to get the most out of life.Fish oil as a natural source of DHA for healthy brain developmentWith balanced Calcium & Phosphorus to aid in the development and maintenance of bones and teethNatural prebiotic plant fibres beet pulp and chicory root promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and help support healthy digestion.Grain Free complete and balanced diet

Ingredients: Meat and meat by-products (poultry and beef),and/or hydrolysed poultry protein, peas, vegetable starches, vegetable meal, animal fat (beef and/or poultry), beet pulp, sweet potato, fish oil, vitamins and minerals and amino acids, salt, potassium chloride, chicory root inulin, natural antioxidants, yucca extract, vitamin E.
Storage Instructions: For freshness, store in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight. keep sealed.