Loaf With 5 Kinds Of Meat Adult Wet Dog Food Can 700g

At the PEDIGREE brand we believe that every dog deserves a loving home.
From over 40 years experience of developing PEDIGREE recipes, we have a range that is designed to protect your dog in four ways: to help support their natural defences, a healthy skin and coat, good digestion and healthy teeth.PEDIGREE Can recipes are Australian Made with quality ingredients and all the essential nutrients your dog will need to thrive.HEALTHY BONES Calcium & Phosphorus to help maintain strong & healthy bones.DIGESTION Added Dietary Fibre to promote a healthy digestive system.SKIN & COAT Enriched with Omega 6 & Zinc to help maintain healthy skin & coat.NATURAL DEFENSE SUPPORT Enriched with Vitamin E to help support natural defenses.MADE IN AUSTRALIADIGESTION : Added Dietary Fibre to promote a healthy digestive system..SKIN AND COAT : Enriched with Omega 6 and Zinc to help maintain a healthy skin and coat..NATURAL DEFENCE SUPPORT : Enriched with Vitamin E to help support their natural defences..

Ingredients: Meats & Liver (Chicken &/or Beef &/or Sheep &/or Pork); Gelling Agents; Vegetable Fibre; Binders (Cereal Protein &/or Beef &/or Sheep &/or Pork); Colouring Agents; Vitamins & Minerals; Vegetable Oil; Flavour; Amino Acid.
Contains: 5 Kinds of Meat Loaf Adult Dog Food 700g
Allergen: Contains Gluten
Storage Instructions: Keep refrigerated after opening. Keep refrigerated after opening.
Usage Instructions: When changing your dog’s diet, please introduce the new food gradually over several days to allow your dog time to adjust to their new diet.

Please see the back of the packaging for detailed feeding instruction. for Individual needs may vary depending on the age, breed, activity level, or environmental factors.
Size: 700g