Homestyle Chicken With Rice & Vegies Adult Wet Dog Food Can 1.2kg

At the PEDIGREE brand we believe that every dog deserves a loving home.
From over 40 years experience of developing PEDIGREE recipes, we have a range that is designed to protect your dog in four ways: to help support their natural defences, a healthy skin and coat, good digestion and healthy teeth.PEDIGREE Can recipes are Australian Made with quality ingredients and all the essential nutrients your dog will need to thrive.HEALTHY BONES Calcium & Phosphorus to help maintain strong & healthy bones.DIGESTION Added Dietary Fibre to promote a healthy digestive system.SKIN & COAT Enriched with Omega 6 & Zinc to help maintain healthy skin & coat.NATURAL DEFENSE SUPPORT Enriched with Vitamin E to help support natural defenses.MADE IN AUSTRALIADigestion..Skin & Coat..Natural Defense Support..

Ingredients: Meats (Chicken, Beef, Sheep &/ or Pork); Vegetables; Binders (Gluten, Beef &/ or Sheep); Rice; Vegetable Fibre; Gelling Agents; Sunflower Oil; Colouring Agents; Mineral; Vitamins and Flavour.
Contains: Homestyle Chicken Rice & Vegies Homestyle Adult Dog Food 1.2kg
Size: 1.2kg