Adult All Breeds Wet Dog Food Strips Kangaroo 9 pack

Nature's Gift now offers a multipack version of their wet food in a tray.
Add this to your pet's mealtime menu and watch them enjoy the delicious flavoured loaf or strips.
Bringing an enjoyable taste made with natural ingredients with added vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, you and your furry friend will love this natural meal choice with all the health benefits it has in a practical value pack.
Crafted in NSW, Australia, it's a must-try for pet owners who want a meal with goodness and flavour packed conveniently in trays.
Satisfying with no added artificial colours, flavours and preservatives, you can combine your dog's dry food favourites from Nature's Gift range and surprise them for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Ingredients: Meat (Poultry, Kangaroo, and/or Beef and/or Lamb and/or Pork), Flavours, vitamins, Minerals, Starch, Gelling Agents, natural Colour, Inulin, Herb (Thyme).
Storage Instructions: Keep refrigerated after opening, then use within 3 days.
Size: 9 x 100g