Adult Dog Food With Beef Pate 100g

SATISFY THEIR NATURE All dogs and cats share a connection with their wolf and big cat ancestors.
So the best way to care for your pet is to cater to their instinctual needs with the protein-rich diet they are hardwired to eat.
High-protein CRAVE diets cater to your dog or cat's instinctual needs providing protein-rich nutrients for a strong and lean body.With high protein, CRAVE Adult Wet Cat Food is inspired by a cat's natural diet.
These protein-rich recipes provide cats with energy and support lean bodies.
Each PERFECT PORTIONS product includes (2) single servings, for a fresh meal every time.HIGH PROTEIN With With 40% protein, CRAVE provides your cat with energy, and supports strong, lean bodies.REAL MEAT 1ST INGREDIENT 60% of protein from animal sources.GRAIN FREE CRAVE is free from wheat, corn & soy.

Ingredients: 99% OF PROTEIN FROM ANIMAL SOURCES INGREDIENTS Meats (including Chicken &/or Beef); Gelling Agents; Vegetable Fibre; Vitamins & Minerals. FEEDING GUIDE 5 kg Dog; 3 Trays per day.
Size: 100g