Roast Chicken With Lentils Dog Food 6x100g 6 pack

Farmers Market believe that dogs deserve tasty food with wholesome ingredients.
The Farmers Market Roast Chicken with Lentils lets your furry friend enjoy maximum flavour with minimal fuss.It is important to look for natural ingredients and nutritional benefits when choosing food for your dog.
The Farmers Market Roast Chicken with Lentils is made with no added artificial colours, flavours and preservatives to deliver the best nutrients to your furry friend.
It contains meat blended with vegetables for a complete and balanced meal.
Your pet gets an ample amount of protein to help grow their muscles, and fibre to support digestion.
Packed in a convenient tray, this wet dog food is enriched with vitamins and minerals so pet owners can be sure their dogs are getting everything they need to stay happy and healthy.- Meat is #1 Ingredient- Grain Free- Made with real Chicken- Complete & balanced.- No added artificial colours, flavours or preservatives- Premium natural food for dogs with added vitamins, minerals and other trace nutrients- Australian MadeMeat #1 ingredientComplete & BalancedNo added artificial colours, flavours or preservativesMade in AustraliaPremium quality natural pet food with added vitamins, minerals and other trace nutrients

Ingredients: Meats (Chicken, And/Or Turkey And/Or Animal Protein), Starch, Lentils, Flavours, Chia Seed, Gelling Agents, Vitamins & Minerals, Inulin