Chicken Breast With Beef Liver & Vegetables Dog Food 156g

All pet food is not made equal.
It's the ingredients we use in Applaws that make our food different.
Every single one is carefully selected to help your pet thrive.
Seeing pets thrive, seeing their eyes sparkle, seeing them be the best they can be - that's happiness to us.
It's where we started and it's what we live for each and every day.
Made with REAL MEAT.
NO unnecessary cereals, fillers or additives.
We pride ourselves on the quality of our ingredients that your pet will love.100% NATURAL - Just ethically sourced, natural ingredients that will help your pet thrive.75% CHICKEN BREAST AND BEEF LIVER - We insist on using only the highest quality, human grade meat protein in our recipes.NATURALLY HIGH IN TAURINE - Essential for proper function of the heart and eye healthNO NASTIES, NO FILLERS - We only use the ingredients listed on the pack, nothing hidden.COMPLEMENTARY PET FOOD - Feed alongside a complete wet or dry food including Applaws complete dry food, for a balanced diet.SOURCE OF OMEGA 3&6 - Helps your pet get a perfectly shiny coat..

Country of Origin:
Product of Thailand


Chicken 28%, Chicken Broth 28%, Beef Liver 15%, Pumpkin 8%, Carrot 8%, Green Pea 8%, Rice 5%.


Applaws Dog Tin - Chicken Breast & Beef Liver in Broth - 156g Dog food

Storage Instructions: Store in a cool, dry place.

Suitable for: All Breeds and Lifestages

Size: 156g

Care Instructions: 100% Natural, Applaws is a complementary pet food for adult cats, feed alongside a complete wet or dry dog food including Applaws complete dry dog food, for a balanced diet. Clean fresh water should always be available for your pet.