One Succulent Chicken In Gravy Urinary Care Cat Food Pouch 70g

A complete nutrition & taste duo mixed feeding with Purina One Dry & Wet.Created by experts, PURINA ONE Dry & Wet provide all the essential nutrition for your cat while delivering a variety of taste and textures she will love.- Developed by Purina Nutritional Scientists.
- Cat food only.- Helps support kidney health with antioxidants.- Helps maintain urinary tract health with balanced minerals.- Helps protect urinary tract from inflammation with Omega-3 fatty acids.No added artificial colours, flavours and preservatives.PURINA ONE for ADULT 1+ years Urinary Care Chicken with succulent chicken in gravy for quality protein and great taste.

Ingredients: Chicken, Lamb, Beef and Fish Products; Cereal Protein; Minerals, Vitamins, Amino Acids, Various Sugars and Antioxidants; Natural Plant Fibre and Natural Plant Derivatives.
Storage Instructions: To be stored in a cool, dry place.
Size: 70g