Kitten Healthy Development Chunks In Jelly Salmon Cat Food 12x85g 12 pack

OPTIMUM kitten pouch food is nutrionally complete and balanced to support the healthy growth and development of your kitten.Brain & Vision development - Contains DHA to help support brain and Vision development.Healthy Teeth & Bones - Supports growing Teeth and Bones with Calcium and Phosphorus.Complete and balanced nutrition for vitalityNo Preservatives AddedDeveloped with Veterinarians from the Waltham Petcare Science Institute

Ingredients: Meat by-products & Meat (including Chicken, Sheep &/or Beef); Binder (including Beef); Cereal Protein, Fish by-products & Fish (including Salmon); Flavour; Minerals & Vitamins; Gelling Agents; Vegetable Oil; Taurine; Colouring Agents; Antioxidants.
Size: 12x85g