Healthy Weight Chunks In Jelly Chicken Cat Food 12x85g 12 pack

OPTIMUM natural defences cat pouch food is specially formulated containing a blend of antioxidants to help support strong natural defences.Reduced Calories - formulated with less Calories for less active catsPromote Adequate Water Intake - Supports urinary tract health by promoting Adequate Water intake.Complete and Balanced nutrition for vitalityNo Preservatives AddedDeveloped with Veterinarians from the Waltham Petcare Science Institute

Ingredients: Meat by-products & Meat (including Chicken, Sheep &/or Beef); Cereal Protein; Flavour; Plant Fibre; Minerals & Vitamins; Gelling Agents; Vegetable Oil; Taurine; Antioxidants; Colouring Agents.
Size: 12x100g