General Information

Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Anti-Fungal Gel 
contains pure tea tree oil - a natural anti-fungal 
agent to quickly and effectively relieve the 
symptoms and irritation associated with many fungal 
infections such as Athlete's Foor (Tinea Pedis), 
Jock Itch, Ringworm & Candida skin infections. For 
best results, use in conjunction with Thursday 
Plantation Tea Tree Footpowder and Spray.


Apply Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Anti-Fungal Gel to the affected area three times per day. Once applied, allow the preparation to dry before dressing or enclosing the affected area. When treating fungal infections of the feet, use clean cotton socks and wear open or well-ventilated shoes. It is important to continue treating the affected area for two to three weeks after symptoms cease.