Himalayan Salt Lamp Crystal Rock Shape Natural Pink Night Light Kit (1-2KG)

- Ideal for daily use near televisions and computers, around smokers, in offices with air-conditioning, in fact anywhere you want to restore or preserve the natural air quality.
- Due to their beautiful and rich colours, salt lamps are also used in colour therapy, i.e. chromo therapy. Salt lamps have also been appreciated by Feng Shui art connoisseurs.
- Bio-energy therapists and homoeopaths in Europe have recommended crystal salt lamps for a long time to support treatment of allergies, respiratory system and blood system diseases. They are often used in the treatment of rheumatism
- Other benefits include the improvement for Allergy & Asthma Sufferers, recovery from illness, stress, anxiety, meditation, fresh air, etc.
- Himalayan Salt Lamps have been scientifically shown to correct the imbalance of an environment's ions. SAA approved AU standard plug with ON/OFF switch.









