Island Shapes 9Ft2 Longboard

* Style: Surfboard
* Skill Level: Novice / Intermediate / Experienced
* Suggested Fins: FCS II 10” Hatchet
* Ideal Conditions: 0 – 3 Feet (Beach Breaks / Mellow Reef Breaks / Soft Point Waves)
* Construction: Polyurethane Core + 3 x Timber Stringers / Fiberglass / Polyester Resin
* Glassing: Deck – 6oz x 6oz. Bottom – 6oz x 4oz + 4oz Tail Patch, Fin Box
* Dimensions: 9'1 (length)

Wide, flat yet smooth as silk to ride, The Duke is a modern log designed for those small days when all you want to do is set your rail, trim down-the-line and walk The nose. Maximum width up front combined with forward concave sets The stage for extended nose riding. The parallel outline through The middle creates a huge stable platform to stand and walk The board, and vee through The belly and Tail allows The rider to transition from rail-to-rail with minimal effort. The triple stinger and Timber Tail block add some old school vibes and aesthetics to The overall design.
The extra width up front and straighter outline through The middle provides Maximum stability to enhance your nose riding skills.
End-to-end, The relaxed rocker provides effortless glide when paddling onto waves, and just a hint of lift out The Tail enhances turning ability as you adjust before setting The rail.