Fcs Ii Power Twin+1 Pg Retail Fins

* Fin System: FCS II
* Fin Set Up: 2 + 1
* Colour: Black
* Construction: Performance Glass
* Recommended Board Type: Fish, funboard and twin fin board
* Designed in collaboration with Harley Ingleby for use on his asymmetric twin model
* Highest area twin set in the FCS range; as a result, can be pushed harder through turns
* Moderate sweep (rake), full tip and longer base deliver incredible drive and speed
* Lower depth value maintains manoeuvrability and looseness off the top and through turns
* Can be paired with a variety of stabilisers to add control

Fin Size Specifics:
* Height: 5.35'
* Base: 5.26'
* Area: 21.44' sq
* Sweep: 32.7 Degrees
* Foil: Flat