Fcs Ii Am Pc Twin+1 Xlarge Retail Fins

* Fin System: FCS II
* Fin Set Up: 2 + 1
* Colour: Black White
* Construction: Performance Core
* Recommended Board Type: Performance boards with deep concaves and moderate-to-extreme rocker
* Suggested Conditions: Hollow steep waves, punchy beach breaks

Fin Size Specifics:
* Height: (S): 4.85' (C): 4.50'
* Base: (S): 4.70' (C): 4.60'
* Area: (S): 15.90' (C): 15.10' sq
* Sweep: (S): 36.3 (C): 40 degrees
* Foil: Flat

Size Guide:
* Extra Large: 85+ kg

More Information:
Al Merrick's template is designed for radical, progressive surfing. The raked side fins produce exceptional speed and drive, while the smaller centre fin offers quick release through turns.