Rasta Twin Plus 1 Fins

* Fin System: Future
* Fin Set Up: Twin/2+1
* Colour: Jute Carbon Purple
* Construction: Carbon, Jute, Honeycomb
* Dave Rastovich's signature model
* Unique leading edge that allows smooth rail-to-rail transitions
* Construction maintains the find longevity with allowing a responsive flex pattern
* Upright design & speed generating foil adds level of performance to any twin + 1 board
* Set of 3 fins

Fin Size Specifics:
* Height: (S): 5.14 (C): 3.26
* Base: (S): 4.60 (C): 3.18
* Area: (S): 19.76 (C): 7.91
* Foil: (S): V2 (C): Symm