Organic Butter Beans 400g

Nutrition Facts Serving size: 1 serving = Approximately 63g:QtyQuantity per serving:QtyQuantity per 100g / 100ml:%Percentage daily intake*:
Energy : 2503973
Energy Cal : 6095Not provided
Protein : 3.96.38
Total Fat : LESS THAN 1gLESS THAN 1g1
Saturated Fat : LESS THAN 1gLESS THAN 1g0
Trans : LESS THAN 1gLESS THAN 1gNot provided
Polyunsaturated : LESS THAN 1gLESS THAN 1gNot provided
Mono Unsaturated : LESS THAN 1gLESS THAN 1gNot provided
Carbohydrate : 8.213.03
Sugars : LESS THAN 1gLESS THAN 1g0
Sodium : 1532437
*Percentage Daily Intake per serving. Percentage Daily Intakes are based on an average adult diet of 8700 kJ. Your daily intakes may be higher or lower depending on your energy needs. Details Country of Origin:-->
Packed in Italy


Organic Butter Beans (60%), Water, Salt.

Servings Per Pack: 4.0

Storage Instructions: Once opened, consume within 3 days. Refrigerate unused contents in a sealed non-metallic container. Store in a cool, dry place
, 'Store in a cool, dry place.
After opening, place any unused portion in a non-metallic container, keep refrigerated and consume within 3 days

Preparation Instructions:
