Fruit Salad in Juice 825g

Coles Fruit Salad in Juice

Ingredients: INGREDIENTS: Fruit (59%) [Peach, Pear, Pineapple], Refined Fruit Juice [Apple, Grape, Peach, Pear], Acidity Regulator (330).
Servings Per Pack: 6.6
Storage Instructions: Once opened, consume within 5 daysrnRefrigerate unused contents in a sealed non-metallic containerrnStore in a cool, dry place, Once opened, consume within 5 days
Refrigerate unused contents in a sealed non-metallic container
Store in a cool, dry place
Warning: Food Warnings:
May contain seed fragments.
May contain seeds.
May contain stems.
Peaches are mechanically pitted and may contain an occasional pit or pit fragments. Take care to avoid dental injury.
Preparation Instructions: PRODUCT MAY CONTAIN PIT, PIT FRAGMENTS,SEEDS,SEED FRAGMENTS , OR STEMS.Due to Seasonal availability of ingredients,refined fruit juice may contaoin any,all or a combination of the listed refined fruit juice varieties.