Instant Mashed Potato 125g

Coles Instant Mashed Potato

Ingredients: Dehydrated Potato (93%), Milk Solids, Salt, Emulsifier (471), Natural Flavouring, Preservative (223), Antioxidant (320).
Servings Per Pack: 4.0
Storage Instructions: Store in a cool, dry place
Preparation Instructions: SIMMER (insert icon ):Heat 1 cup of milk and 1 cup of water to almost boiling in a medium saucepan.Remove from heat and add dehydrated potato mix, stirring quickly with a fork until smooth.
MICROWAVE (insert icon):Pour 1 cup of milk and 1 cup of water into a microwave safe dish.Cover wth lid or plastic wrap and heat for recommended time. Remove from microwave.Add dehydrated potato mix, stirring quickly with a fork until smooth.Wattage Power Time800 / 850High 3 minutes1000High 2 minutesCooking temperatures and times are provided as a guide.Microwave ovens will differ between brands.
1000w:HIGHPour 1 cup of milk and 1 cup of water into a microwave safe dish.Cover with lid or plastic wrap and heat for recommended time. Remove from microwave.Add dehydrated potato mix, stirring quickly with a fork until smooth.
Stove Top:Heat 1 cup of milk and 1 cup of water to almost boiling i