Sour Cream & Onion 300g

Beigel & Beigel Sour Cream & Onion

Ingredients: Wheat Flour, Dried Potato Flakes, Palm Oil (With TBHQ for freshness), Potato Starch, Salt, Oat Fibres, Sugar, Barley Malt, Leaving Agents (Sodium Bicarbonate, Ammonium Bicarbonate), Dextrose, Maltodextrin, Emulsifier (Soy Lecithin), Anti-caking Agent (E-551), Citric Acid, Sodium Diacetate, Humectant (Glycerol), Flavours, Flavour Enhancers (Monosodium Glutamate, E-627, E-631), Colour (Beta Carotene).
Allergen: Contains Barley, Contains Gluten, May Be Present Rye, May Be Present Sesame Seeds, Contains Soy, Contains Oats, Contains Wheat, May Be Present Egg
Dietary: Cholesterol free
Servings Per Pack: 10.0
Storage Instructions: Store in a cool, dry and dark place.