Dark Chocolate Coated Nougat Gift Bag 120g

Nutrition Facts Serving size: 1 serving = 1 piece (12.5g):QtyQuantity per serving:QtyQuantity per 100g / 100ml:%Percentage daily intake*:
Energy : 240kJ1915kJNot provided
Protein : 0.8g6.0gNot provided
Total Fat : 2.7g21.5gNot provided
Saturated Fat : 1.2g9.3gNot provided
Carbohydrate : 8g60gNot provided
Sugars : 6.0g48.2gNot provided
Dietary Fibre Total : 0.6g4.9gNot provided
Sodium : 5mg41mgNot provided
*Percentage Daily Intake per serving. Percentage Daily Intakes are based on an average adult diet of 8700 kJ. Your daily intakes may be higher or lower depending on your energy needs. Details Country of Origin:-->
Made in South Africa from local and imported ingredients


Nougat (62%)[Glucose Syrup (Con derived), Sugar, Almond Nuts (24%), Egg White, Honey (5%), Wafer Paper (Potato Starch and Vegetable Oil)(Palm Fruit Oil), Flavouring, Corn Starch] Chocolate (38%) (Cocoa Mass, Sugar, Cocoa Butter, Emulsifier: Soy Lecithin).


Contains Tree Nuts, Contains Nuts, Contains Soy, Contains Egg

Dietary: No Added Colours

Servings Per Pack: 10.0

Storage Instructions: Store in a cool, dry place. This product is heat sensitive.