Real-Whole Egg Mayonnaise 350g

Yumi's Real-Whole Egg Mayonnaise

Ingredients: Canola Oil (77%), Whole Egg (14%), Vinegar, Sugar, Salt, Spices. May contain traces of Tree nuts, Fish, Sesame Seeds. May contain traces of Tree nuts, Fish, Sesame seeds.
Allergen: Contains nuts, Contains Sesame, May Be Present Tree nuts, May Be Present Fish, May Be Present Sesame Seeds
Servings Per Pack: 23.0
Storage Instructions: Refrigerate after opening.
Suitable for: Dressing Salads, Sandwiches, Fish and Cold Meats
Features: Dairy Free. Gluten Free. a true home style real Egg mayonnaise made to a traditional European recipe. It owes it's full flavoured richness to the use of Whole eggs blended with Canola Oil. Ideal for Dressing Salads, Sandwiches, Fish and Cold meats.
Colours: White