
General Information Henry Blooms Super Colloidal Silica is formulated to support beautiful skin, hair and nails.


Drug Interactions

Warnings Always read the label. Follow the directions before use. Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.

Common Uses
Henry Blooms Super Colloidal Silica is formulated to support beautiful skin, hair and nails.Henry Blooms Super Colloidal Silica contains microscopic particles of mineral silica, utilised throughout the body to maintain and support healthy connective tissue- skin,hair,nails, bones and teeth.
By supporting and maintaing collagen, Henry Blooms Super Colloidal Silica reinforces beauty from within.

Ingredients Colloidal anhydrous silica 300 mgEquivalent Silicon 140 mg

Directions Take 1 to 2 capsules daily with a glass of water.